About Me

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I am 19 years old now. It seems like time is going fast, and I am not always sure how to handle it! I started college August 2014. I am studying psychology at North Central University, meeting new people, and drawing closer to God with each step I take. Life is not a destination, it is a long journey. I am excited to see what God has in store for my life, and I hope you will join me as I find out!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Orange Fish

Yesterday, our family went to the aquarium. We had lots of fun. When we got to the octopus tank, he was actually out! There were lots of exotic fish. At every tank, we tried to find all of the fish listed. It was cool. We saw lots of cool fish. There were some that were really wacky, and some that were really colorful. My favorite was this one:
It is called a Garibaldi fish. They live in north-eastern subtropical parts of the pacific ocean. It is the official marine state fish in California where it is protected in coastal waters. Yes, the fish is actually this bright!

1 comment:

autumnesf said...

I like his little kissy lips.